Month: February 2021

How to save for retirement in your 40s

Let’s start with the good news: studies show that your income peaks between the ages of 45 and 54. You’ll potentially have more money than ever – but you may also have unexpected or unwelcome expenses, like divorce. At this …

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How much do I need to start investing?

While investing into traditional property might require a significant deposit, and a commitment to a long investment horizon, investing in shares, ETFs, managed accounts or managed funds can be accessed with a much smaller outlay along with the benefit of …

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How to protect your finances from cybercrime

Cybercrime rose sharply in 2020, as more people worked, shopped and socialised online due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Anyone can be a target, so it’s essential to be proactive when it comes to protecting your finances and identity online. Our …

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Change your spending habits and boost your happiness

After living through a year when our collective mental health took a beating, 2021 has brought with it a fresh sense of optimism and relief about what the future may hold. Like many people, you may be planning to do things …

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Economic Update

Introduction Volatility associated with November’s US election should finally be over, enabling investors to refocus on economic prospects and the outlook for corporate profitability and central bank policy. Joe Biden was sworn in as the 46th President of the US. …

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What is risk appetite?

For some people, risk means excitement and opportunity. For others, it invokes feelings of fear and discomfort. We all experience a degree of risk in our everyday lives – whether it’s simply walking down the street or having investments in …

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Understanding account-based pensions

Once you decide to retire you can access your super as a lump sum or start an account-based pension (also known as an income stream) or do a combination of both. The benefit of starting an account-based pension is that …

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The A-Z of Inheritance

Inheritance is an emotional subject on every level. The people leaving an inheritance generally do it with pride and love. The people receiving an inheritance often receive it with gratitude – and sorrow. But while emotional, it’s also a financial …

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Property investment vs shares

An age-old question is whether it’s better to invest in property or shares. There is actually no right or wrong answer. It all comes down to your preferences and approach to risk. Growth investments Both asset classes – shares and …

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